Dance Classes

Level 1 - Beginning Belly Dance

Fridays 7pm-8:30pm
$50 Session/$12 Drop-in

The Art of Veil - Learn how the veil was introduced into Egyptian dance and how to use the veil in a graceful mesmerizing way!

5-week Session: March 4th - April 1st

Level 3 - Intermediate Classes with Talia

Sundays 10:30am - 12:30pm
$95 Session/$18 Drop-in

8-Week Session: March 20th - May 15th
(No class April 24th)

509-475-0683 Call to sign up
Performance opportunities available at the end of each session

NEW!! Drumming 101 For Dancers

April 17th & May 1st 1:00-2:00PM
$12 each or $20 for both

This class is for dancers who are interested in learning basic Middle Eastern dance rhythms or brushing up on their doumbek technique to improve musicality and drum solos. Please bring notebooks and your drums or something to drum on.

General Information

Clothing: Loose, comfortable clothing or "dancewear" is recommended. Hip scarves are available to borrow for beginner students.

Registration: Pre-registration is required for all classes to ensure placement. Registration on the first day of class is available if the class is not full.

Refunds: Not available after the first week of class, no exceptions.

Missed classes: May not be carried over to the next session.

Continuing students: Are expected to master their current level and consult with the instructor before advancing to the next class level.