Monday, February 14, 2011

New to Restaurant Performing

So you've decided to perform at restaurants?  You will find it is a world all of it's own.  Do they already have dancers or will this be a first time thing for them?  If there already have dancers it is a good idea to check out their shows.  Note how long they dance for, is it live music or recorded, what is the flooring/lights/decor (are there any obstacles such as chandeliers, heat lamps, etc),  do the shows begin on time and how may are there, is there a style or particular kind of music the restaurant owner likes?  Try to talk to some of the dancers ask what they like or don't like about performing there.  Ask them what the pay rate is to see if dancing there is even worth it for you.  Plus, you don't want to undercut dancers or other restaurants.  Find out about the dressing room situation as well.  Who does the booking for the restaurant?
Then when approaching the restaurant about performing there, do it at a time when they are not busy.  Bring a current photo of yourself, a business card, as well as a DVD of your dancing.  I do not suggest doing a free "audition" or "trial show".  They should be able to judge your dancing from the DVD just fine.  You might want to bring a portable DVD player just in case they don't have anything to pay it on.
Lastly, be careful if the owner wants you to do all the advertising for the show.  Ask him/her where or how they regularly advertise  Ask if you can pass out coupons or have a printable coupon put on your website to attract customers.   If you make fliers for the show be sure to bring some for the restaruant to pass out as well.  Before you do any expensive advertising be sure to ask the owner if you will get any reimbursement and if so up to what amount.
Don't give away your services, remember to set the bar high for payment if this is a new show.  You can always negotiate from there.  Tips are not guarantied so I don't recommend considering them as part of your payment.

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