Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tip of the Week: Choosing the Right Teacher

Back in the day there wasn't that many teachers to choose from, but now days there are many!  How do you know which teacher will be right for you?  Do your homework.  What style of dance are you interested in?  I suggest to go to a belly dance event or to some local shows in the area and watch as many local dancers as you can.  Find the style you like and then ask the performer your most impressed with if he/she teaches and where.  If he/she doesn't  doesn't teach ask them who their teacher is. If the class is not in your area it might be worth the drive.  I don't know how many times I've heard of people learning from bad teachers and then having to re-learn the dance all over again because the technique they learned wasn't good or the teacher just had no idea how to teach and correct their students.
The second step is to try out the class.  Buy a session of classes and see what you think.  Keep in mind that belly dance is only made to LOOK easy but it actually isn't!  I don't know how many times I have had people come into my classes thinking it was going to be easy and didn't make it past the 3rd class!  
The teacher should be able to explain the movements and technique in multiple ways to meet the needs of all different types of learners.  The instructor should be able to correct students without yelling, belittling or putting down students.  You want someone who can help slow learners, who is understanding yet will be firm when needed.
Last, don't be tied to one teacher.  I was always encouraged to take from as many teachers as possible because you can learn something new and different from each one.  That is what will make you have your own unique style.  So if you come across a teacher who forbids you to take from other teachers - something is wrong!
Lastly, once you get your basics down don't be stuck to one style of belly dance - try everything - I try to learn at least a little of as many different styles as possible.  This allows you to respect other styles more and when people ask you about them you will know a bit of background, especially if you plan to become professional or if you ever plan to teach classes yourself!

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